How to Start a Fencing Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

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To launch your fencing business, you don’t need to run yourself wild. Follow the steps we have shared with you in this blog and start it will lesser hassle and more certainty.

Think of the satisfying sound of metal clattering on metal, the aroma of freshly-cut wood, and the joy of making something physical with your hands. Getting into the fencing industry offers all of this and more. 

Starting a fencing business can be a rewarding and successful endeavor, regardless of your level of experience in the craft. 

You have the chance to offer a much-needed service to individuals, companies, and governmental organizations as a fence contractor. With the necessary abilities, information, and equipment, you can: 

  • Safeguard a commercial property with top-notch fencing
  • Turn a boring backyard into an oasis, or 
  • Erect a perimeter fence around a school or park 

Good news for your soon-to-be-launched fence company: The fence installation market size in the US is estimated to be over $8 billion in 2021 and will grow at an annual compounded rate of 5%, as per Grand View Research.

To help you reap this opportunity, today, we will show you how to start a fencing business from scratch. We will also offer insights on how to:

  • Build a strong brand
  • Formulate a pricing plan
  • Employ, and train staff

So let’s get started if you’re ready to turn your passion into a successful fencing company! Here are the 8 steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Conduct Market Research

Conduct market research

Researching the industry in-depth is an essential step in launching a fence company before you do anything else. This will involve: 

  1. Analyzing the local fence industry’s demand and competitiveness
  2. Identifying the target market and ideal client
  3. Reviewing the pricing strategies employed by successful fencing companies in the region

Let’s go through each of them.

  1. Analyze the market demand and competitiveness

    First and foremost, it’s crucial to gauge the level of demand for fence services in your neighborhood. Take a look at

    • The number of ongoing development projects
    • The number of existing residences and businesses
    • The local fencing regulations

    These elements can help you determine the market’s size and whether fencing services are in demand in your area.

    The next thing you should do is research your competitors.

    • Find successful fence companies in your target region.
    • Know their strengths and weaknesses.
    • Discover their key differentiators so you can set your own fence company apart.
  1. Identify the target market and ideal client

    Now it’s time to determine your target market and ideal customer. You may choose to target:

    • Homeowners
    • Business owners
    • Land owners
    • Real estate developers
    • Governmental organizations, or
    • Any combination of these 

    Pro tip: Take into account the different fence services that are most in demand in your region and market segments that are most likely to need them.

    Define your ideal client once you’ve determined your target market. To do so, ask yourself the following questions:

    • Who makes the purchasing decision?
    • What age range do they fall into?
    • Who does the decision-maker turn to for guidance?
    • What matters most to them?
    • When looking to buy anything, where does your ideal customer go?
    • What hobbies do they have, or what do they find interesting?
    • What are their pains related to fencing?

    This will assist you in creating a marketing plan that targets your ideal client. The better you know your target audience, the more edge you have.

    To learn more about it, we recommend reading this guide by Hubspot to find your target audience.

  1. Review the pricing strategies employed by competitors

    Analyze the pricing strategy employed by successful fencing companies in your region. Examine their labor and material pricing and any bundled services they provide. 

    With this data, you can create a price structure that is both competitive and lucrative.

Step 2: Develop a Business Plan

Done with the market research? Creating a business plan is your next step in launching a successful fencing business. A business plan is a road map outlining your company’s general objectives and strategies. 

Develop a business plan

Here is how you can create a business strategy for your fence installation company:

  1. Pick a name and legal structure for your business

    Pick a name that is distinctive, memorable, easy to communicate, and accurately captures your brand.

    After settling on a name for your organization, you must choose a legal business entity out of these:

    • Sole proprietorship
    • Partnership
    • Limited liability company (LLC)
    • Corporation

    It’s crucial to pick the business structure that best meets your demands because each one has its own benefits and drawbacks.

  1. Set your company’s brand image and vision

    Define your distinctive brand image that appeals to your target market. All of your marketing assets, such as your logo, website, and social media profiles, should be consistent with your brand. 

    While your values are a declaration that describes your company and what it stands for, your vision is a long-term goal that you aspire to achieve.

    Take your values and vision as a pole star that guides you in the right direction.

  1. Create a marketing plan to reach your target market

    A marketing plan is no one-size-fits-all pant that can be used by any business. Your marketing plan should be customized as per the research you have done to know your target audience (Have you?).

    These are some of the popular ways to market and promote your business:

    • Content marketing
    • Social media
    • Email marketing
    • Local SEO
    • Local advertising

    Pro tip: Be clear about your USP – Unique Selling Proposition. It means telling your target audience what’s unique about you and why they should pick your fence installation business over others.

Step 3: Know the Startup Cost and Obtain Funding

The bitter truth is you need some money to start a fence company. If you don’t have it or lack other resources, then there is no point in moving ahead.

Spoiler alert: You won’t have to rob a bank.

Initial startup costs

Here are the initial costs involved in starting a fencing company:

Contractor’s license $500 – $600 (can vary based on the US state where your business is)
General liability insurance $65 per month (on average)
Truck/van to loading materials $5000 – $10000 for a used vehicle
Right fence building equipment Approx. $10000
Miscellaneous (promotion, marketing, etc.) As much as your budget allows

At this stage, you will have to keep your expenses as minimum as possible. But even if this initial cost seems out of your reach, we will into ways to fund your business in step 3.

Gather the required fund

Explore financial possibilities to fund your business after determining your initial startup costs. Here are some common ways to get funding and their pros and cons:

While grants may be available from governmental or private groups, business loans can be obtained from conventional lenders like banks. Creating partnerships with other companies or people can also be a source of funding.

But evaluate each funding option before picking the best one for you as they all have some caveat attached.

    Pro tip: Creating a sound business plan can help you with getting a loan or finding an investor.

Ways Pros Cons
Savings Fastest way Risky to your finances if your business fails
Friends and family Save you from paying interest as in loans Can turn relationships sour if you won’t pay them back
Loans Can give you your desired startup cost quickly Need to pay interest and your mortgage is at risk if your business fails
Grants Safest option Hard to secure and may not be your desired amount
Partnerships No need to pay the funding back Need to give up equity in your company

Step 4: Purchase Equipment and Supplies

It’s time to start obtaining relevant fencing materials and tools you need to launch your business once you have the required funding. The main phases in buying supplies and equipment are listed below.

  1. Identify the necessary fence materials and equipment

    Right now, you don’t need to have every privilege that your established competitors have. So make a list of essential fencing supplies to get by. Here are some of them:

    • Fencing materials: Fence posts, rails, pickets, gates, etc.
    • Tools: Post hole digger, post driver, circular saw, hand saw, hammer, level, pliers, wire cutters, measuring tape, and a staple gun.
    • Safety equipment: Gloves, safety glasses, hard hats, etc.
    • Vehicle: A reliable pickup truck.

    Apart from these, you may even consider investing in office equipment and marketing materials if your budget allows.

    • Office equipment: Computer and printer to manage invoices and other administrative tasks.
    • Marketing materials: Business cards, brochures, and flyers to promote your services and reach potential customers.

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  1. Find cost-effective equipment and supplies

    Finding high-quality products at fair costs is crucial while looking for tools and supplies. Choose reputable vendors that provide top-notch goods, warranties, and maintenance assistance. 

    Take into account buying in bulk, which could result in a discount on the purchase price. 

    Pro tip: To save money, look into purchasing fencing supplies that are used but still in good shape. You can also consider renting all or otherwise expensive equipment.

Step 5: Establish Your Services and Pricing

Establish your services and pricing

Got all the equipment? Then it’s time to decide on your fencing services and their prices. Here are some crucial actions to take:

  1. Choose the fencing services you will provide

    Think over the fence types that are most in demand in your neighborhood and decide which services you can actually offer. Here are some common types:

    • Fabric fence
    • Bamboo fence
    • Chain link-wired fence
    • Aluminum and steel fence
    • Wood fence
    • Wrought-Iron fence
    • Barbed wire fence
  1. Establish your pricing strategy

    Setting the proper prices for your services is essential to establish a successful fence company. 

    Determine the cost of the supplies and labor for each project, as well as any additional costs like marketing and transportation. To make sure that your business is financially viable, you also need to take a profit margin into account.

    Check on your competitors’ pricing to keep the prices of your services competitive.

Step 6: Execute Your Promotion and Marketing Strategy

Success in business, especially in the fencing industry, depends on developing a strong brand and a winning marketing plan. And this is how you can do it:

  1. Create a website and a presence on social media

    In the current digital era, a website and a presence on social media are necessary for any business. Your website should have high-quality photographs of your work and be simple to explore on mobile devices. 

    Use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram too: 

    • Promote your services
    • Get in touch with potential clients, and
    • Strengthen bonds with current customers

    Pro tip: Making your website rank in search engines like Google with content marketing will give you the best ROI. Check out this guide from Backlinko.

  1. Launch a marketing campaign

    To connect with your target audience, you can use a variety of marketing techniques, such as:

    • Google AdWords
      It is a paid advertising service that shows your ads to prospective clients looking for fencing services in your neighborhood.
    • Direct mail
      To advertise your services and entice local prospects to get in touch with you for a free estimate, send flyers or postcards to their homes. However, this can be very costly and yet ineffective.
    • Referral initiatives
      Offer discounts or other incentives to your existing customers to get them to recommend you to others.
    • Social media advertising
      This allows you to reach potential customers using focused advertising on various social media platforms.

    Now it’s time to gather your team to run your fence installation business properly.

Step 7: Hire and Train Employees

You will need to bring on staff as and when your fencing company expands to meet customer demand. You can hire and train the best personnel by following these steps:

  1. Find the number of employees required

    For this, take into account your current and future projects and the minimum amount of labor you must have to fulfill those. Depending upon the growth of your new fencing company, you might need to hire: 

    • Administrative workers
    • Customer support agents
    • Salespeople
    • Fence installers
  1. Develop a job description, and hiring process

    Create a job description that clearly describes the skills, experience, and credentials needed for each required role. Now ask yourself, “What will be my hiring process to select the ideal candidates?”

    Usually, it includes checking the caliber of the applicant with a combination of a personal interview and a practical test. 

    Then promote the vacancies using by publishing your job posting on:

    • Job search websites
    • Newspaper ads
    • Social media
    • Website

Step 8: Manage Business Operations

For your business to run effectively and to provide top-notch services to your customers, properly managing your business operations is essential.

  1. Create a business bank account

    You can open a business bank account at the bank of your choice. By keeping your personal and business accounts separate, you will:

    • Better manage your business finances.
    • Maintain thorough records of all transactions done.
    • Be able to calculate your income tax accurately.
    • Save your money in case of crisis (if chosen LLC or corporation as your business structure).
  1. Invest in invoicing software

    You can streamline your invoicing process by using business management software like InvoiceOwl. Such software provides you with the following benefits:

    • Create professional invoices quickly.
    • Manage all invoices under one dashboard.
    • Automate your payment reminders.
    • Get payment reports of your clients.

    So that was all about starting your own fencing business. But let’s tackle some nagging questions that you may have.

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Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How much work experience is required to launch a fencing company?

    Although it is not necessary, prior experience in the fence business can be beneficial. But if you don’t have it, you will at least need to have someone who knows about the fencing trade and can provide services.

  2. Do I require insurance for my fencing company?

    Yes, having insurance is necessary to safeguard your company, clients, and employees.

    While worker’s compensation might cover accidents suffered by your employees, liability insurance can cover losses brought on by your company’s operations.

  3. Does my fencing business need a website?

    Having a website isn’t necessary, but still hard to ignore. It is essential to

    • Promote your services
    • Connect with your target market
    • Build an online identity
    • Communicate with potential clients
    • Generate leads


Starting a new business will always feel hard, intimidating, and risky. But if you follow the right path, just as we have shown, you can definitely turn things in your favor. 

So go on. Do the industry research just as we have shown in step 1, and take it on from there to start your successful fencing business.

Author Bio
Jeel Patel
Jeel Patel

Jeel Patel is the founder of InvoiceOwl, a top-rated estimating and invoicing software that simplifies the invoicing and estimating processes for contractor businesses. Jeel holds a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Toronto, which has provided him with a strong foundation in business principles and practices. With understanding of the challenges faced by contractors, he conducted extensive research and developed a tool to streamline the invoicing and estimating processes for contractors. Read More

