Google Sheet Invoice Template

Buzy performing contracting jobs and taking up more contracting orders? No time for administrative tasks, such as creating invoices? Worry no more; Google Sheets has brought some amazing invoice templates to get things done in no time.

Carpet cleaning invoice template

Download Google Sheet Invoice Templates

Where creating fields and calculating totals is necessary, Google Sheets becomes the rescue. Download premade invoicing templates in google sheets format to avoid using calculators and committing errors. Besides, the time you save can be utilized to spend with your family.

Now that you know how Google Sheets invoice templates could help, you must also know the other types of invoice templates. InvoiceOwl has a number of invoice templates, like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe PDF. Choose one as per you convenience.

Have a look at other InvoiceOwl’s invoicing templates as well. You can create personalised invoices in Google Docs, printed invoice, blank invoice, and PDF templates.

InvoiceOwl Invoicing Software vs Free Invoice Template

Free invoice templates restrict you just to add information and share it with your clients. On the other hand, invoicing software brings ample benefits to the table. So, let’s discuss and discover those differences to get a better idea.

Perks InvoiceOwlStart a free trial Downloadable Google Sheet
Invoice Template
Send unlimited invoices and track them in real-time Right Wrong
Automate reminders for late payments Right Wrong
Issue receipts automatically when the customer pays Right Wrong
Record sales & sales taxes, and generate reports Right Wrong
Save clients with all the client information Right Wrong
Download Template

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the importance of Google Sheets invoice templates?

    With Google Sheets, you would enjoy the power of three different platforms. Tricky calculations that come up mostly in construction or tiling jobs will require the power of Excel.

    Just like Google docs, even Google Sheets save everything that you create. You can design it to your liking, similar to Microsoft Word, and easily add crucial details for your clients. If you’re wondering how to create an invoice in Google Sheets, it’s simple and customizable, giving you flexibility with your invoice templates.

  • What should be included in the Google Sheets invoice templates?

    Just like any other invoice template, you must add a wealth of information, such as

    • Client details, contact number, and address
    • Add invoice number, due date, and invoice date
    • Your business name, logo, and contact details
    • Line items that include goods and services
    • Price, quantity, and subtotals of line items
    • Add tax and shipping charges, and deduct discounts

    These are the fundamental list of things that you must consider when adding information to Google sheet invoice template.

  • When should you send the Google Sheets invoice template?

    An ideal time to share invoices with your client is as soon as you complete your contracting job. One of the reasons is you can quickly create an invoice. Had you been still stuck in an obsolete method, it would have taken several days to create and share the invoice.

    But since you are leveraging modern methods to create invoices, why not send them as soon as possible? After all, cash flow is a must to run a business.

  • Is Google Sheets better than Google Docs?

    Out of both platforms, none is superior to the others. If Google sheets help you with pre-set rows and columns, then Google Docs allows you to customize your invoice as per your requirements.

  • What are the benefits of using Google Sheets?

    The biggest benefit of using Google sheets is your data remains organized, edit and analyze every piece of information. You can even evaluate and format files in real time. Besides, you don’t require to get trained to access Google Sheets; it’s child’s play.

Put Sheets of Paper Aside & Start Using Google Sheets

InvoiceOwl offers google sheets invoice templates to create and send invoice.

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